Across the World...Continental Coziness

A cross-continental blog which defies a 12 hour time difference in the true spirit of friendship. <3

Sunday, November 26, 2006

show & tell

here is some kind of portfolio of mine.
it's still messy i know. i gotta find the original pieces and resize all of them.

in the mean time,
hope you do enjoy :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I think I've got some new things going on in my creative state of mind.

Show and tell soon...

Monday, November 06, 2006


This is me.
In DAVID Communication.
The office i've been working at for almost a year and which I will leave in about...
1...2...3...4... weeks maybe.
Not sure.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thought you'd be interested with this exciting news.
These are the puppies from the dog that my Mom adopt.

Well... kind of.

The mother was a stray dog that got along very well with my Mom.
One day she showed my Mom her babies.

They are all now adopted by different people. I know the one on the left is called Jacko. He lives next door now.

Hey it worked!

I am so excited to start this up with everyone, this way we can see Mira's world, and she can see bits of ours (thank God 3 Aces in no longer such a huge part of our lives haha). We will have to introduce you to new greasy pizza joints Mira, soon enough, soon enough. Looking forward to the Indonesian update. How much is a plane ticket again?

Hi Julia and Keith!

So, Julia and I got to chat this morning... or Night at your time.
And we want to have a way to share our pictures.
So we think blogging would be a good way to start. Who knows, after this, we may diverse our sharing to books, Oprah, and even major picture production. And we all be stars of Hollywood, hang out with Lindsay Lohan and Madonna, have our own boutique of bunny clothing (since the chihuahua trend is sooo last decade) for all our celebrity friends who now carry around bunny in their Prada. And last but not least... World Domination!!

So, we get know what's going on in our side of the world. Show me a picture of 3Aces Pizza when I'm craving for it. And maybe I can show you how a 30-cent lunch looks like.